Pregnenolone - The Starting Point for all Hormones
- Precursor to DHEA, Estrogens, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, and Aldosterone
- Is made from Cholesterol in the mitochondria and is known as the “Grandmother” hormone
If the patient’s cholesterol is below 140, they may not make pregnenolone effectively
- Skin and Brain are important sites of steroid synthesis
- Decreases with age
At age 75, most people have a 65% decline compared to age 35.
Functions of Pregnenolone
- Regulates the balance between excitation and inhibition in the nervous system
- Modulates the neurotransmitter GABA
- Enhances nerve transmission and repair nerve damage
- Increases resistance to stress
- Improves energy both physically and mentally by protecting mitochondria from toxins
- Enhances acetylcholine transmission
- One of the “most potent memory enhancers yet reported” *
- Regulates pain control, learning, memory, and alertness
- Reduces pain and inflammation in arthritis and allergies
- Modulates NMDA receptors
- Enhances the activity of detoxifying enzymes in the liver and brain
- Blocks the production of acid-forming compounds
- Helps to increase productivity
- Promotes mood elevation, has a mild anti-depressant effect
- Improves sleep
- Studies show auditory and visual function improvement
- Aids in repairing degeneration of the Myelin Sheath (MS)
- Enhances efficiency of blood circulation
- May restore youthfulness to aged skin topically (Papa and Kligman 1965)
Causes of Low Pregnenolone Levels
- Aging process
- Stress
- Exposure to toxins
- Eating too many saturated fats and trans-fats
- Low cholesterol levels
- Hypothyroidism
- Pituitary tumor
- Having a severe illness
- Use of cholesterol lowering drugs may block production
Pregnenolone will make more cortisol and less of the other hormones to help the body deal with stress.
Symptoms of Pregnenolone Deficiency
- Arthritis
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Inability to deal with stress
- Insomnia
- Lack of focus
- Memory decline
Pregnenolone Used in Treatment
- Arthritis
- Depression including bipolar depression
- Memory loss
- Fatigue
- Moodiness
- Improves delta-wave sleep
- Prevention of memory loss
- Endometriosis
- Seizure disorders-use under strict supervision
Autoimmune diseases
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Multiple sclerosis
- Lupus
- Psoriasis
- Scleroderma
Interesting Study: Use of Pregnenolone
Pregnenolone may protect the brain from cannabis intoxication.
Vallee, M., et al., “Pregnenolone can protect the brain from cannabis intoxication,” Science 2014; 343(6166):94-8.
Caution: Use pregnenolone with caution in patients with seizures since it may lower the seizure threshold.
Elevated Pregnenolone Levels Can Cause the Following Symptoms
- Acne
- Drowsiness
- Muscle aches
- Fluid retention
- Headache
- Heart racing
- Insomnia due to overstimulation
- Irritability, anger, anxiety
- Scalp hair loss
Marieb, Elaine RN, PhD. 1998. Human Anatomy & Physiology, fourth edition. Menio Park, California: Benjamin/cummings Scinece Publishing. Murry, Robert K MD, PhD, Granner, Daryl K, MD, Mayes, Peter A. PhD, DSc, Rodwell, Victor W. PhD. 2000 e