Susan Merenstein, Pharmacist/Owner

(412) 586-4678

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Glutathione 15% Cream

Visit for more information and testimonials on this crucial A.I.D. supplement! Click here to buy!

TOPICAL GLUTATHIONE** - The tripeptide Glutathione, is the master antioxidant, of the human body. Many biochemical processes are regulated, modified, or initiated by this crucial chemical. Glutathione goes to the organs that need replenishment first-lungs, brain, heart, and then other organs. 

  • Increases the micro-circulation in the tissues

  • Powerful antiviral and antifungal, and anti-inflammatory

  • Any condition that one would prescribe a steroid as the anti-inflammatory glutathione is superior to any steroid - with no side effects (Glutathione is normally found in human tissues).

  • Psoriasis/Excema/Rosacea...AND SO MUCH MORE! 

  • Glutathione repairs, protects the DNA from damage due overexposure to the sun, and efficiently lightens dark spots over time

  • Glutathione protects the skin from UV damage, supports nerve tissue, and provides collagen and elastin repair and maintenance

60 gm

Visit our blog to learn more about Glutathione! 
"Acetyl-Glutathione Benefits Demand Your Attention!"
"Glutathione: The Master Antioxidant, Detoxifier and Immune Booster of the Body"