Susan Merenstein, Pharmacist/Owner

(412) 586-4678

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Hyaluronic Acid Caps Easy Absorb

A substance called Hyaluronic Acid, or HA, which aging bodies typically lose, may ward off the aging process by helping the cells of the body thrive and retain moisture, keeping joints lubricated, protecting the retina in eyes and keeping skin smooth and elastic.

IN OUR SKIN, HA works much like retinoic acid, or Retin-A. When a skin cell is “born” down deep, it is fat and plump. As that cell matures, migrates upward toward the surface, it flattens and dies. Those dead, flat cells give us our “shingles”, or barrier, against the elements: our protective outer shell.

HA delays that cellular death, leading to plumper, heartier cells closer to the surface of the skin. With WATER closer to the surface, we can carry oxygen and nutrients closer to the surface and carry carbon dioxide and waste products away from the surface of the skin.

So, we have HEALTHIER, PLUMPER skin cells closer to the surface. These plumper cells lead to a fuller skin by filling in finer lines and wrinkles.

In a Japanese study, 85% reported improved or remarkably improved facial moisture, skin smoothness, improved elbows, knees and heels. These patients took 6 capsules per day.

Six weeks to smoother skin, healthier joints and eyes!

85% noticed improved or remarkable improved facial moisture, skin smoothness, and improved elbows knees and heals.

65% reported improved or remarkably improved joint mobility

45% vision improvement


Condition: Skin moisturizer, Joint health, Eye health, Vaginal dryness


“I take HyaLife for cracks in heels and fingers during the winter month and periodically through the year for dry skin. After taking for 2 weeks, my heels and fingers were greatly improved and completely healed in about 1 month. My heels were so cracked I could not sleep at night.”

  -C. W.

“My husband and I are nearly 60 years old. After using HyaLife for only 8 to 10 days, he no longer needed pain relievers while playing golf. I could do my remodeling and painting projects while helping him with NO PAIN after only one week of HyaLife. We recently went snow skiing – NO MUSCULE OR JOINT PAIN! I can sit on the floor with our grandchildren and get up unassisted and pain. Our skin is so soft now. We love it! Thanks!”

-B. R.

“It has helped with my body itch and my dry eyes. I have recommended it to my surgeon to help other patients”

 -J. L.

“…I no longer have dry, cracked skin on my feet…”

-L. T.

“I was hesitant to start Hyaluronic Acid capsules as I did not think they would be absorbed. I am so glad I did because my skin looks dewy and feels softer, my joints feel less creaky, and my eyes feel less dry!”




“Hercules, an elderly miniature pinscher, history of cyclosporin eye drops!  On HyaLife2 gel capsules per day! Schirmer test: “0” to “10” in 30 days!  {Schirmer test is a test of tear production}

"I just hate theway my skin feels without it!"
- A.

6 caps daily "My husband said, 'Oh my gosh! What happened to your legs? They've never been this smooth!"

- R.


  • Internal Moisturizer!

  • Same great formulation, but twice the amount of Hyaluronic Acid per capsule!

  • Colored with all-natural turmeric!

  • Lower pill burden. Three capsules daily vs. six!

  • Same price per hyaluronic acid content!

  • Eco-friendly packaging! 

  • Restores elasticity and hydration to skin, giving it a more youthful appearance

  • Cuts healing time by as much as 40%

  • It is the natural “shock absorber”

  • Reduces inflammation and pain

  • Improves sleep quality, aiding in the natural repair processes during sleeping

  • Protects the retina of the eye from injury

  • Improves joint lubrication and the cartilage structure of joints

  • Supports the healthy structure of all body parts, providing resiliency, movement with less friction

  • Helps regular the repair process of any injured body tissue, protecting against repetitive wear strain and chronic degeneration

  • Provides structural integrity to the cellular matrix that inhibits bacteria and viruses from reaching cells

• Unique, enzymatically cleaved formulation of hyaluronic acid designed for optimal GI absorption

• Marketed for over fifteen years to humans for skin, eye, joint, and wound health, we're finding amazing potential for animal applications as well!

• Easily absorbed! Enzymatic cleaving provides dramatically reduced molecular weight/size facilitates oral absorption (and consequent excretion in tears)

• Natural, rooster comb source has been safely used as a source of HA for injectable for osteoarthritis treatment of the knee for decades.

• Ophthalmologist’s community study - 100% of patients experienced improvement in dry eye symptoms. Patients report relief in hours (to overnight).

Patients report use before and after medical procedures lead to decreased healing times with less scarring.